I think tortilla is one of the favourites and easiest recipes from the Spanish kitchen that you can make. You can eat warm but also cold, that makes a perfect meal for a picnic or to eat in a sandwich. We always say that if you potatoes and eggs you can always have people for dinner. Of course there is a bit of trick if you want to make the perfect tortilla, it is a matter of practise and to have the right cover to turn it around, that also needs skills. Well maybe you can start practising now, so get ready to start making your perfect tortilla. (more…)
Author: Marta
Speedy Scalopine
On Friday’s normally is only the 2 of us at home for dinner, so I try to find simple recipes but still delicious and of course full of vitamins. This Speedy Scalopine from Nigella from her book Kitchen is one of those. Very simple to prepare and depending on the vegetables/salad you use, can have a lot of vitamins, the great taste comes from spices you use in the scallop, just perfect. (more…)
Pasta Bolognese
Pasta Bolognese must be one of the most populars sauces there is, everybody has his/her own way of making and of course I also have mine. The basic is like any bolognese, minced meat and tomatoes, what it makes different from the rest are the spices/herbs that I use plus of course I also add some vegetables, to make it a bit more healthy. Normally I made a big pan, so sauce for 6 people, that way I can freeze the half to eat another time when we don’t have much time to cook. (more…)
Risotto with Mushrooms
Risotto is per definition one of the favourites at home, with all kind of ingredients, most of the time I make the vegetarian versions some how they are the most creamy. This risotto with mushrooms is from the book Jamie 30 Minutes Meals, it is is just so delicious, quite easy but as all risotto’s impossible in 30 minutes 😉 In the book is a full menu, risotto, salad and dessert, I only made the risotto and part of the salad, no dessert to keep the meal healthy and all took me about 1 hour cooking, but still I love it and I am going to make again, who cares about the time when a meal is good! (more…)
Minestrone soup is one of our favorites at home, normally I use a basis with passata, but this version from Nigella from her book “Kitchen” is absolutely delicious. The good thing from such a soup is that you can just change the ingredients with whatever you might have left over in your refrigerator, perfect to avoid food waste. Also is just what I called a vitamin bomb, since you are using a lot of vegetables and soup is one of the healthiest ways to have your vitamin portion for the day. (more…)
Chocolate Orange Cake
This chocolate orange cake I have made already a several times and every time looks like taste better. So I thought is about time to share the recipe with you, it is very simple, most of the ingredients you might have at this moment at home, so what are you waiting for? Start preparing and bake! You will enjoy as much as we do at home. (more…)
Kruidnoten are typical Dutch cookies/sweets. Normally you will eat in November until the 5 of December (Sinterklaas) but lately you can find them in the supermarkets earlier in the year. I have to say I am not really a fan of Kruidnoten, but my husband and daughter are, so I decided that it was time to try to make them myself, that way I would know what are the ingredients. This recipe from “Het Nederlands Bakboek” is absolutely fantastic, I have to say I even like them now. (more…)
Carrot Cake
We go at least once a year to Great Britain on holidays, we love the peace you can have in the country side, also the tearooms, they are fantastic, our favorites are scones and of course Carrot Cake. A few years ago I bought The Great British Book of Baking with great cakes and the best carrot cake you can find. Actually I have bake this cake a few times already but I think, well I am sure, this time was the best ever, so I had to tell you all about. (more…)
Pasta with Chicken and Vegetables Ragu
At home we are used to eat pasta, most of the time of with mushrooms or minced meat in a good sauce of course, but chicken is something we don’t do much. When I saw this recipe in the book “Jamie 15 Minutes Meals” I thought, that one I need to try and what a fantastic idea that was, a very healthy meal, full with veggies and a bit of chicken, just for the twist. (more…)
Fettuccini with mushrooms marsala and mascarpone
Pasta is one of those ingredients that you can prepare in so many different ways. Of course in Autumn the best combinations are with mushroom, perfect season, even though this recipe from the book Nigellisima is with dried porcini and you could make all year round, I still think in Autumn taste better. (more…)