Tag: Parsley

Vegetables Bouillon (Broth)


I love to make my own vegetable bouillon (broth) because every time taste different, it is easy to make, you can freeze in portions and use when you need it and of course it is healthier because you know what is in there, you have put the ingredients, no chemicals are there. This recipe will help you to make the most fantastic broth with a lot of vitamins and more.  (more…)


Lasagne-8Lasagna is one of those meals that I have tried many times, from books, magazines or websites, but somehow never seemed to work the way it should be, always just too moist. Finally after searching and testing I found my own way to get the perfect lasagna, the secret is just to cook the sauce as long as possible, that way the liquids will evaporate and you will get what you are looking for. So this is my recipe, of course you can change the ingredients to your own taste, just remember to make sure the sauce is not too runny. (more…)

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