There is nothing better to enjoy an evening that good friends and of course fantastic food. Since I moved to The Netherlands, almost 27 years ago, I have met many people and made friends from different backgrounds. Among those friends are a group of 4 Spanish women that are living here for different reasons, we met years ago when my daughter was following her Spanish lessons. Since a couple of years we have started to met every few weeks in the house of one of us and we all bring food, drinks and of course we just want to have a good time chatting and laughing. (more…)
Category: Blog
Another Year
I remember that last year I said that I would be back to post more regularly in my website, but one thing brings you to the other and in the end I just lost track of time. Now I am going to give another try, who knows maybe it works this time
My garden
Tomorrow is already spring but here in The Netherlands we had a very sunny and spring weather since the beginning of March. Looks like every year is earlier, climate change … Anyway so this weekend we had started working in our garden getting ready for the coming months. A lot of seeding, bell peppers, tomatoes, salads, carrots, beetroot, sunflowers, pumpkins, squash, … We have also prepared our strawberries for the season, we moved them around in the garden to have the best ground every time. (more…)
Back again
After more than 6 years since I wrote for the last time in the blog maybe is time to start doing it again. The last 6 years I have still been cooking/baking, if you look at my Instagram account there have been pictures posted. I had also travel and discovered my second passion, walking/hiking, however you prefer to call it. I had tried to live in a more sustainable way, not only changing my eating habits but also changing the way I do things at home/traveling or in my free time. But let’s go one step at the time.
There is no doubt that the last 2 years have been difficult for everybody around the world. The fact that we are still in the middle of a pandemic after seen what a mess are doing all of our governments has put me to think if we as individuals should or could do something. Still no clue of the right answer to this but in any case I am going to start again with my cooking blog, or maybe more than that, not just cooking but a way of life that might help others or not, depends how you take it in.
So I am going to try from 2022 to bring you all my cooking experiences, not just only with the recipes, I will also share some of my day to day, bring you with me in some of my walks into nature. Hopefully you will enjoy as much as me.

Food and Health
It has been more than 2 months since my last post, I have been busy trying to find out what should be next. Of course I have been cooking and taking pictures, all with the intention of writing the recipes to share with you, but some how I have never got the time or even I just didn’t feel like doing it. Let’s say I am having a kind of a midlife crisis 😉 (more…)
A fresh start

Hello readers,
On September 2011 I started a blog about my cooking ( . For 3 years I have been writing recipes, some were mine, others adapted recipes from books or magazines. Some how I felt that that was not what I actually wanted to write about, I don’t want to write recipes. I want to write about cooking and how to do it.
I love trying all kind of recipes from books, magazines, internet, even from those cards from the supermarkets. So I have decided that my website shouldn’t be any more about MY recipes, because they are not mine but just about how I have experienced them and of course give the credit of the recipe to the right person/s. (more…)