Tag: Chive



Chive is family of the onions but maybe a bit less stronger. It is great taste maker in salads or mixing with cream cheese or other meals of course. It grows very easy, I planted years ago in a big pot in my garden and since then every spring I get this gorgeous plant with beautiful flowers, bees love the flower, that last until almost winter. You only need to give water and once a year some vitamins. For the rest be careful because it can spread very easy around. (more…)

Pasta Salad

Pasta-Salad-3When the days are getting warmer there is nothing better for lunch or dinner that a good nutritious salad. They are very easy to make and with a lot of combinations of course, and because I grow some veggies in my own garden it is just fantastic. The rocket leaves and the radish are now on their best, really tasty and full of vitamins specially because I only pick them up just an hour before we are about to eat, so fresher you can not get.  (more…)

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