I remember that last year I said that I would be back to post more regularly in my website, but one thing brings you to the other and in the end I just lost track of time. Now I am going to give another try, who knows maybe it works this time
Since last time I posted here, March 2022, a lot of thing has happened, like two full summers almost. We had some fixing in our house and also the garden. Last year we went on summer holidays to Wales and Cornwall, having a great time, enjoying nature, history and very nice tearooms …

This year we had our big holiday between April and May, we took a road trip in Europe for almost 7 weeks. Visiting places like Paris, Puy du Dome, Barcelona, Bilbao, Picos de Europa, South French Bretagne, Aosta, Verona, Parma, Westendorf and the Black Forrest. A big tour with a lot of different cultures, nature and fantastic food.

In this trip we took time for reflexion about what we have, what we do and how we tackle our daily life. It is something that I highly recommend to everybody. Stop with the busy life and just take time to look around, to appreciate all together. My daughter says that I came back more relaxed, not sure if is like this all the time but I like it.
Now when the summer is almost ending in The Netherlands, looks like we are going to have a last warm week, where we can enjoy our garden a little bit longer. And maybe our tomatoes can continuous producing just a bit longer; we had so many this year and still more to come, so it seems.
Hopefully slowly I am going to pick up where I left in this blog and start to sharing again all my new food adventures that even I haven’t write about yet, I have done a lot …